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The Essentials #2: Essential Chiropractic Recommends Fascia Release

Foto van schrijver: Patrick PabouetPatrick Pabouet

Fascia Balls

You may or may not know that my first entry with learning about the body was studying The work of Thomas Myers and Anatomy Trains with some friends and my coach. Understanding and learning about these Fascia Lines enabled me to start working to release tension in my body and move with ease. Since then, I don't think I have ever left home without my myofascial relase ball. In fact, I would get stopped by airport security all the time during my travels to the UK.

What is myofascial release ?

Myofascial release therapy is a hands-on technique used to manage myofascial pain. “Myo” means muscle. “Fascial” refers to the connective tissue that covers and supports the muscles throughout your entire body. During myofascial release , you don't focus specifically on your muscles. You focus on releasing tension in your fascial tissues.

anatomy Trains fascia Lines

What is fascia?

You can think of fascia like a spider web. The stringy tissue is densely woven throughout your muscles, bones, nerves, arteries, veins and organs. Your fascia is one continuous structure throughout your body. Each part of your body is connected to it in some way. That’s why if there’s a snag in the tissue in one part of your body, it can cause pain in another part of your body. ( If you really want to get deep here, let me know. I can point you to some great resources!)

Normally, fascia is flexible and stretchy. But it’s strong. It provides structural support to your body and protects your muscles. Fascia is usually able to move without any restrictions. When your body experiences any kind of trauma, prolonged stress or restrictions, your fascia loses its flexibility. It becomes tightened and more rigid. The tightness can lead to pain and loss of motion, which can affect your quality of life.

What is self‐myofascial release?

You can perform myofascial release on yourself at home. You can find videos online with basic myofascial release techniques. You’ll use a foam roller ,roller ball or even a massage gun to gently apply pressure to your fascial tissues. I highly recommend this practice as a way to enhance your Chiropractic Care and help to reduce tension and tightness in the body.

I now have Fascia Release Balls available in the clinic for sale. If you would like one, please let me know!

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Essential Chiropractic

President Kennedylaan 19,

Unit 3.11 (in het Tauro-Gebouw)

2517 JK Den Haag 

AGB Praktijk   90094004

AGB P. Pabouet 90118110   

DCF-3231364 - SNRC-1364

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