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Our New Essential Chiropractic Patient App is HERE! Click Here To Find Out More!

Foto van schrijver: Patrick PabouetPatrick Pabouet

Our new patient app is here and we can't wait for you to see all the exciting features it has to offer! From booking and rescheduling appointments with ease to viewing personalised content such as reminders and recommended exercises, it will allow you to control your patient journey with ease, direct from your phone!

Practicehub APP

Before you can access all these features, you’ll first want to know how to download the app and create an account. Please follow the instructions below and send any queries our way!

Downloading the app

For Android users _

Get the Link HERE

( or by searching your app store)

On your mobile phone’s home screen open Google Play.

Enter "PracticeHub" into the search bar and confirm. The app should appear at the top of the search results.

Click on the app icon and press the "install" button when prompted.

Wait for the download to complete and either select “Open” from within Google Play, or return to the home screen where the PracticeHub app icon should now appear.

For iPhone users_

Get the Link HERE

( or by searching your app store)

On your mobile phone’s home screen open the App Store.

Tap the search icon, enter "PracticeHub" and confirm the search. The app should appear at the top of the search results.

Click on the icon and press the “Get” button followed by the "Install" Button.

Wait for the download to complete and either select open from within the App Store, or return to the home screen where the PracticeHub app icon should now appear.

Linking the app to your clinic

Open the app by clicking on the PracticeHub icon on your phone’s homepage.

Enter our unique access code {QBPBDDEP} and click “Next”.

Create an account

You will now be redirected to a sign in page. When accessing the app for the first time you will want to select “Sign up” at the bottom of the page to create an account.

Create an account by adding the email address associated with your PracticeHub patient file ( your email and name must be exactly the one we have on file for you in the clinic, or you will not be able to log in)

Create a secure password and re-enter for security, then click “Sign up”. It is absolutely crucial that the email address provided here precisely matches the one recorded on your patient file. Please contact the clinic directly if you are unsure which this is.

Email verification

Head to the email address you’ve used to sign up and within a minute or two you should receive a verification email. Click the hyperlink included in this email to verify your account.

If for any reason you don’t receive the email, please check your spam folder first before clicking the “Resend verification email” button on the app as a second resort. If you are still experiencing issues please don't hesitate to get in touch.

Sign in

Your account is now ready to go! Next time you open the app you will be able to enter your email address, password and start exploring!

Practicehub App

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Essential Chiropractic

President Kennedylaan 19,

Unit 3.11 (in het Tauro-Gebouw)

2517 JK Den Haag 

AGB Praktijk   90094004

AGB P. Pabouet 90118110   

DCF-3231364 - SNRC-1364

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